Monday 19 September 2011

Page of Rage - Part 1: Nostradamus Prophecy Enthusiasts

Welcome to the first official post of the Page of Rage, brought to you by yours truly, Rageaholic.

Before I fall into a blinding, uncontrollable rage about enthusiasts who can't get enough of conspiracy theories involving Nostradamus' work "The Prophecies", I thought it would be nice to preface this blog with a few self-answered questions.

Who am I? An angry Canadian academic/teacher, prone to becoming belligerently angry at anything I find to be stupid, bothersome, ridiculous, anger-inducing, ignorant, childish, (insert synonyms here), and just plain wrong.

What's the point? Have you ever been to a social gathering (party, box social, kegger, art showing, car show) where you inadvertently engage (not through your own volition) in an argument where the other person lacks an iota of factual information in their position, resting on hearsay, "experts" they happen to know, fallacious experience, or anything else that causes you to question the worth of their existence?

Typical arguments which lead to such an outcome:
- The existence of God
- Anything about World War II
- Buddhism
- Aliens/Any conspiracy theory, except for...
- 9/11, because everyone's got a theory for this one
- Homosexuality
- Politics
- Fiat currency (That one's for you, Erik)
- Islam, its' history, and....
- Terrorism
- The Drop Fees Campaign (If you're not a local, don't bother trying to make sense of this one)

Note: This list is open to be added to, either through my experiences, or through comments that people leave. I know you're out there, debaters.

Where/When are unimportant.

Why? Why do this? Because I'm sick and tired of people being uninformed. It irks me greatly that even in a setting of higher learning (Re: University), people lack the skills to argue properly, resort to fallacies like they're impenetrable life rafts, and that there's no sense of objectivity left in the world. Also, I get an ego boost from people reading and enjoying my rambling.

How? (Or, what's the format going to be? How will you pick topics? Et cetera, et cetera...) For me, anger strikes at least once everyday. Hell, watch the Discovery Network and you'll automatically know why. So, topics will either be suggested, or come at random, or I'll hit one of the aforementioned topics in the list, if the well has run dry.

Well, that about answers all the questions you might have. To any others, we'll, I'll get around to it.

Happy reading, friends.
- Rageaholic


  1. Rageaholic, HELP!!!
    i have the same problem but no solution. what r the "Prophecies" supposed to be about? its true that discovery channel cannot answer this as the programs about nostradamus have way too many special effects and the narrator typically sounds like a summer blockbuster coming soon. i can live with rageahlism, but whats a guy to do/say?


    I say we disregard any real significance in the works of Nostradamus, since studying "the inevitable future" seems a fruitless task.

    Either that, or we burn every copy of The Prophecies to end this charade of an academic pursuit, once and for all.
